
Caitlin McLaughlin

Assistant Professor


Dr. McLaughlin completed her graduate at Michigan State University in the College of Communication Arts & Sciences. Her research has focused primarily on digital marketing - particularly brand communities - but she is also interested in the parasocial relationships people form with celebrities and brands, uses and gratifications theory, and structural equation modeling techniques such as IPMA and cluster analysis to segment a market. Although she has taught a wide variety of courses, she particularly enjoys teaching Management Skills, Marketing Research, Integrated Marketing Communications, Digital Marketing, Brand Management, and Professional Selling.


•    McLaughlin, C., Haverila., K., & Haverila, M. (2022). Uses and gratifications of lurkers and posters in online brand communities: The difference between gratifications sought and gratifications achieved. Journal of Brand Management, 29 (2), 190-207.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K., & McLaughlin, C. (2022). Development of a brand community engagement model: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39(2), 166-179.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K., McLaughlin, C., & Arora, M. (2022). Towards a comprehensive student satisfaction model. European Management Journal, 19(3), 100558.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K., & McLaughlin, C. (2022). The moderating role of relationship quality in the customer engagement and satisfaction relationship in brand communities: The role of gender. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 12(4), 339-356. 

•    McLaughlin, C. & Wohn, Y. (2021) An investigation of the predictors of parasocial interaction vs. parasocial relationship. Convergence, 27(1), 1714-1734.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K. McLaughlin, C., & Tran, H. Online loyalty program in the cosmetics industry. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 10, 64-81.

•    Haverila, M., McLaughlin, C., Haverila, K. & Viskovics, J. (2020). Brand community motives and their impact on engagement: Variations between diverse audiences. Management Decision, 59(9), 2286-2308.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K. & McLaughlin, C. (2020). Gender-based behavioural segmenting of the cellphone youth market, International Journal of Business Excellence, 23(1), 93-112.

•    Haverila, M., McLaughlin, C., Haverila, K. & Arora, M. (2020). Beyond lurking and posting: Segmenting the members of a brand community on the basis of engagement, attitudes and identification, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(3), 449-466.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K. & McLaughlin, C. (2020). Identification of critical brand community variables and constructs using importance-performance analysis and neural networks, Journal of Modelling in Management, 16(1), 124-144.

•    Haverila, M., Haverila, K. & McLaughlin, C. (2020). Variables affecting the retention intentions of students in higher education institutions: A comparison between international and domestic students, Journal of International Students, 10(2), 358-382.

•    McLaughlin, C. & Parent, M. (2019). Brand constellations and homophily: The effect on target attitude evaluations and interpersonal attraction, Indian Journal of Management Research, 19(1).

•    McLaughlin, C. & Davenport, L. (2017). Brand community success factors: A study of two Facebook brand communities. LBS Journal of Management and Research, 15(2), 50-61.

•    McLaughlin, C. (2016). Source credibility and consumers’ responses to marketer involvement in Facebook brand communities: What causes consumers to engage? Journal of Interactive Advertising Design, 16(2), 101-116.

•    Crouse, J., McLaughlin, C., Rifon, N., Larose, R., & Wirth, C. (2014). Promoting online safety among adolescents: Enhancing self-efficacy and protective behaviors. Emerald Studies in Media and Communications, 8, 133-157.

•    McLaughlin, C., & Vitak, J. (2012). Norm evolution and violation on Facebook. New Media and Society, 14, 299-315.

•    Carr, C., Vitak, J., & McLaughlin, C. (2011). Strength of social cues in online impression formation: Expanding the SIDE model. Communication Research, 40 261-281.


Ph.D., Media and Information Studies, Advertising, December 2012
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Advisors: Dr. Robert LaRose, Dr. Keith Adler
Dissertation Title: Preference for homophily, credibility, and the word-of-mouth process

M. A. in Advertising, May 2009
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Advisor: Dr. Keith Adler


Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Marketing Research
Media Mix
External Communications
Persuasive Communications
Consumer Behaviour
Introduction to Marketing
Introduction to Digital Media & Communications
Marketing Tactics
Brand Management
Professional Selling
Services Marketing
Business to Business Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications
Management Skills
Organization Theory
Retail Marketing
Leadership, Training & Development
Social & Personal Issues of Technology
Marketing Management
Non-Traditional Marketing

Grants, awards & honours

•    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant, 2018.

•    Honourable Mention Award for the Best Paper in Marketing, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (June 2021)

•    7th Most Read Article, Journal of New Media & Society (October 2012)

•    Top Four Student Papers, National Communication Association (2009)