
Board Notes

Keeping you informed

What is happening behind the scenes
By: Cheryl Bell

As a committee that spans the country, disciplines, and ages, the Alumni Board is continuously working to communicate clearly to Allisonians what is happening behind the scenes in the meeting rooms. Our hope is that this information will help you to feel more connected with your board and — of course — your alma mater.

In October, we sent out a  to let you know about recent accomplishments, the next areas of work that we will focus on to support University priorities, including support for student recruitment and increasing the robustness of the University's alumni database, and the committees that will support these initiatives. We also sent an  after our January meeting.

At each meeting of the Alumni Board, we are delighted to receive a detailed report on the most recent activities of the Board of Regents, the body that manages the University. The Board held its first public meeting this February on campus and  are readily available online. 

The Alumni Board will continue to provide you with regular updates and information about our activities and initiatives, but of course you are always welcome to send your comments and questions to any of us and we will be pleased to respond. All  is available on Alumni Online.

We look forward to catching up with many of you at Reunion in May!

Cheryl Bell ('83)
Alumni Board Director