
Policy 3400 — Remuneration of Academic Administrators

Policy section:
Section 3400-3499 Compensation
Policy number:
Remuneration of Academic Administrators
Academic Administrators
Approved By:
Executive Committee of the Board of Regents
Approved date:
February 1, 1998
Effective date:
February 1, 1998
Administered by:
The President


Attracting and retaining qualified academic staff for a variety of administrative positions is very important for the successful operation of any university. Academic administrators (i.e. the Vice-President (Academic & Research), the academic deans, and the heads of academic departments) must command the respect and confidence of the staff and students within their jurisdictions if they are to provide effective leadership. Also, those academic staff who undertake administrative roles in support units must have clearly defined terms and conditions for their appointments so they can devote adequate time and energy to both their academic and their administrative functions.


2.1 For the purpose of this policy, the term "academic administrators" shall mean the Vice-President (Academic & Research), the academic deans, and the heads of academic (teaching) departments. (The University Librarian is not included in this category for this policy, since different terms and conditions apply to that position.)

2.2 The normal term of appointment for academic administrators will be as follows:

  • Vice-President (Academic & Research): negotiable
  • Academic Deans: five years, renewable following a search in which the incumbent will automatically be considered a candidate unless they specifically decline to be considered
  • Heads of Departments: normally three or five years, renewable (see Article 18 of the Collective Agreement)

2.3 For the Vice-President (Academic) and the academic deans, the incumbents' base academic salaries will be adjusted annually by an amount similar to the adjustments awarded to their non-administrative academic colleagues.

2.4 For the heads of departments, the incumbents' base salaries will be adjusted as provided in the collective agreement with MAFA.

2.5 During the period of their appointments as administrators, academic administrators will receive administrative stipends in addition to their base salaries. The amounts for the Vice-President (Academic & Research) and the academic deans will be determined annually by the President, the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Board, and the Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee of the Board. The stipends for heads of departments will be as provided in the collective agreement with MAFA.

2.6 The administrative stipends may be paid either a) monthly as regular salary, or b) as an accountable advance against which legitimate university business expenses may be applied. For the second option, any amount not covered by receipts to support expenditures for university business will be reported as taxable allowances on the incumbent's T4 form.

2.7 At the end of their terms of appointments, the Vice-President (Academic & Research) and the academic deans will be eligible to apply for administrative leave for the purpose of renewing their academic research and teaching activities. Administrative leaves will be approved only for individuals who have completed at least five years of continuous service in their administrative positions. Administrative leaves may not be taken during a term of appointment or between terms of appointment to administrative positions except for exceptional circumstances. Persons on administrative leave will be paid 100% of their base academic salary rate (excluding stipends) and will be eligible to apply for grants from the Bell Fund and the Research Committee. They may not, however, receive any further remuneration during their administrative leave, other than reimbursement for their actual research and travel expenses. Following the completion of the administrative leave the individual will be required to return to the University and to serve as an academic staff member for a period at least equal to the period of the leave. The taking of an administrative leave will exhaust all eligibility for a sabbatical leave.

2.8 The Vice-President (Academic & Research) and the academic deans normally teach during the term of their administrative appointments, but they will not be required to do so if it is not practical.

2.9 An annual performance review will be carried out for all academic administrators by the individual to whom each administrator reports.