

5Q with Joggins Fossil Institute intern Alix Main

30 Aug 2018

Alix Main is a fourth-year English and geography student from Vancouver, BC.


AlixMain_Joggins1. What is your summer internship?

I’m working on a blended research project and internship based on campus and out of the in Nova Scotia. As part of my research, I also built in site visits to museums in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. Essentially, I’m looking at the way we talk about climate change and the narratives that we create for it in the public eye, focusing on works of creative fiction and poetry and museum curation. One of my main points of interest for the project is how we can use these outlets to generate empathy for non-human entities in a way that can potentially educate the public and create critical change for the planet.


2. What has been the best thing about your internship so far?

There are so many things I’ve enjoyed! I’ve really enjoyed having the opportunity to think deeply about these issues that are so interesting to me. I’ve also loved having the opportunity to see different parts of the country, especially the Maritimes, and to spend some time in such a geologically significant place.


3. What are you involved in on campus?

My largest consistent commitment outside of school work during the academic year is my editorial work for our campus newspaper, The Argosy.


AlixMain_Joggins_outside 4. What are you looking forward to in your final year?

I’m looking forward to taking a variety of courses from different faculties this year as I’ve finished most of my degree requirements. I’m also incredibly psyched to take on one last year of all of the wonderful events and activities organized by the University and the Town of Sackville alike before the time comes for my friends and I to move on to whatever the future holds for us after graduation!


5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your first-year self?

I can be a little shy from time to time, but the best thing I’ve done in the past year or so is to jump into new activities and seek out opportunities. I only wish I’d started doing so in my first year!

Find out the latest on Alix’s work on her blog:

Photo captions: Alix working on a teaching module with campers out at Joggins Fossil Institute this summer.

The Joggins Fossil Cliffs in Nova Scotia.

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