

Music students connect to community through The Early Music Show tour in November 

07 Nov 2024
Project funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiative and CEWIL Canada's iHUB. 

̽ students studying early music will be touring a performance of The Early Music Show this fall, bringing an engaging and historically-informed program of diverse repertoire from the Baroque period to audiences throughout New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 
This exciting project is in partnership with musical arts organizations in the region and will showcase performances with Musique Royale (NS), Paul O’Regan Hall at the Halifax Public Library (NS), Musique sur mer en Acadie (NB), and Le Festival International de Musique Baroque de Lamèque (NB). 
This project is a unique collaboration between students, teachers, and performing artists  engaged with two courses offered at the Department of Music — Baroque Performance and the Elliott Chorale vocal ensemble. Students from these courses will explore, research, and develop The Early Music Show program through a historically-informed context and collaboratively curate this special performance with their instructors, renowned baroque violinist Jimin Shin Dobson and education and choral specialist Dr. Kiera Galway. 
This performance will also feature two early music specialists, Montreal-based Ryan Gallagher on Baroque cello and Toronto-based Jonathan Stuchbery on period lutes and guitars, who will join Shin Dobson as the Ensemble SFEM.

̽ assistant voice professor and project leader Dr. Christina Haldane.

“These professional performers will be mentoring students during the rehearsal process and tour performances, providing them with valuable insights and expertise,” says ̽ assistant voice professor Dr. Christina Haldane. “Engaging audiences, especially young learners in rural areas, is a key outcome for the project.” 
Galway will guide ̽ students in several educational outreach activities throughout the project that will introduce family and youth audiences to early art music and its performance.
The Early Music Show tour brings a fresh and exciting historically-informed performance experience to the region and will build meaningful connections with our communities by sharing this rich and diverse repertoire with audiences. 

The Team:

  • Jimin Shin Dobson — Baroque violin and programming, Ensemble SFEM concert leader, Baroque Performance class instructor at ̽
  • Dr. Kiera Galway — conductor, educational activities, and programming and assistant professor music education at ̽
  • Ryan Gallagher — Baroque cello
  • Jonathan Stuchbery – period lutes and guitars
  • Dr. Linda Pearse – historical consultant, assistant professor music history at ̽
  • Dr. Christina R. Haldane — project leader, assistant professor voice at ̽
  • Students from ̽’s Baroque Performance course and Elliott Chorale vocal ensemble

Tour Dates:

Sunday, Nov. 10 @ 2 p.m.
Halifax Central Library
Paul O’Regan Hall 
Halifax, NS
Thursday Nov. 14 @ 7 p.m.
Musique Royale
Lunenburg, NS
Saturday, Nov. 16 @ 7 p.m.
Musique sur mer en Acadie & Festival international de musique baroque de Lamèque
Caraquet, NB


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